
Exhibition (EN): Dark Light

New work  by  Ebony Rose

Dates: 2018.12.9- 2019.1.27 10am- 17pm  Fri, Sat, Sun (Closed 12.14- 1.6)
Opening: 2018.12.8 2pm-4pm

The artist would like to acknowledge support from the Canada Council for the Arts.

Please contact Yamakiwa Art Hotel for the details.
E. info@yamakiwagallery.com T. 025-594-7667

When the tongues of flames are in-folded into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one.[1]” -T.SElliot

While an artist in residence at Yamakiwa Gallery (Mountain Edge Gallery) Ebony Rose has created a new installation and a series of drawings in response to the traditional Japanese farmhouse setting and her exchanges with the villagersThe installation continues through multiple spaces and common to Rose’s work there is an evocation and experiencing of time: the presentthe residue touch of the handand phenomenon changing.In this new body of work darkness is emphasized and death alluded toInspired by the Japanese Zen word shoji that translates to life-death where these two words are only separated and connected by a small hyphen[2]in this installation death and dark to life and light are not so much separate entities but parts of the whole.

Exhibition (JP): Dark Light


Dates: 2018.12.9- 2019.1.27 10am- 17pm  Fri, Sat, Sun (Closed 12.14- 1.6)
Opening: 2018.12.8 2pm-4pm


Please contact Yamakiwa Art Hotel for the details.

E. info@yamakiwagallery.com T. 025-594-7667

T. S. エリオット森山泰夫訳)


Exhibition (EN): What makes things fly

Artist: Peleg Dishon

Dates: 2018.12.1- 23 12- 19pm (closed Mon, Tue, holidays, except 23rd Dec)

Opening: 12.1 18- 20pm
Artist talk: 12.1 19pm-

Organised by Yamakiwa Art Hotel (Niigata), WAITINGROOM gallery (Tokyo)
Supported by Embassy of Israel in Japan

Workshop: 2018.11.23 14- 17pm at Yamakiwa Art Hotel
Peleg Dishon will make Japanese traditional Rokkaku kites with local residents.
Reservation required.
Free of charge.
Please contact Yamakiwa Art Hotel for the reservation and details.
E. info@yamakiwagallery.com T. 025-594-7667

Download press release

Peleg Dishon has been invited to carry out a residency program “Japan-Israel AIR Project Yamakiwa/WAITINGROOM”, organised by Yamakiwa Art Hotel (Niigata), WAITINGROOM (Tokyo), and Embassy of Israel. Dishon was selected from the 99 applications in the open call and stayed at Tokamachi in NIigata, for a month. The exhibition at WAITINGROOM (Tokyo) will consist of the works he creates during the residency, inspired by the environment and the life of local residents.

Dishon, influenced by the culture of traditional Jewish paper cutouts, uses paper as core material in his artwork over the years. As an approach to both Israel and Japan, he refers the book, Jerusalem Rebuilt: A Daydream, written in 1918 by Boris Schatz, the founder of Bezalel (the first academy for fine art in Israel), and proposes to create a kite by paper cutouts. In the book, Schatz describes Jerusalem one hundred years later in 2018 - our present time. Jerusalem Rebuiltis a futuristic, Zionist utopia – a socialist, peace loving society that uses fine art to build the nation. Schatz proposes Japan, which he perceived as a nation basing its foreign trade on exporting fine art, as a model for his Utopian society. In his vision, the Zionist state will base its economic system on exporting fine art made by artists from Bezalel.

However, now in the midst of 2018, Jerusalem is at the center of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with the transfer of the US Embassy to the city and the 70th anniversary celebrations for the establishment of the State of Israel. As part of the violent clashes, kites, a symbol of freedom and hope, became weapon as burning kites from Gaza sparked fire in Israel. This happened while Dishon was writing the proposal for this program.

Exhibition (JP): What makes things fly



日程:2018.12.1- 23 12- 19pm (月火祝休み、ただし23日はオープン)

オープニング・レセプション:12.1 18- 20pm
アーティスト・トーク:12.1 19pm-

ワークショップ:2018.11.23 14- 17pm (やまきわ美術館にて

今冬、Art Hotel やまきわ美術館、WAITINGROOM gallery、イスラエル大使館は共同企画「日本イスラエルAIR プロジェクトYamakiwa / WAITINGROOM」を開催します。本企画では、99名の応募者の中から選ばれたペレグ・ディション(Peleg Dishon、イスラエル出身)が、1ヶ月間新潟・十日町市に滞在し、現地の環境や人々とのコミュニケーションの中で制作した作品を、東京のギャラリーWAITINGROOMにて発表します。

ディションは伝統的なユダヤの切り絵文化に影響を受け、長年「紙」を重要な素材として使用してきました。今回イスラエルと日本の両国にアプローチするテーマとして、イスラエル初の美術学校・ベツァレル美術デザイン学院を設立した、ボリス・シャッツによる書籍『Jerusalem rebuilt: A Daydream1918)』を起点に、切り絵で凧を制作するという案を考えました。この本には100年後のエルサレム(つまり執筆されてから100年後にあたる2018年)の様子が、平和主義の近未来的ユートピアの世界観に基づいて表されています。シャッツはユートピアのモデルとして日本の工芸美術を挙げており、彼が提唱する再建されたエルサレムに、ベツァレル出身の作家による美術を基礎とした経済システムを作りたいと考えていました。
